Mentoring in

Pelvic floor Physiotherapy

Individual and group sessions

One-off or continuous mentoring


Where to start…


Intro session

This is where it all starts. The intro session is a free 15-30 min conversation to ensure that the mentoring will respond to your needs.

The mentoring was designed particularly for those who have already completed an intro course in pelvic physiotherapy but want to improve their critical reasoning and knowledge.

Following this session, a plan will be created and the mentoring program can start.

*Note: it is a requirement for mentoring applicants to have completed a relevant intro course in pelvic floor and pelvic health, and to have been assessed at least once in their ability to perform pelvic floor assessment.


Individual Mentoring

Individual mentoring sessions aim to respond to the specific needs of each mentee. Whether your goal is to discuss case studies, seek advice regarding setting up a business, or how to progress in your career, this is the right session for you.

1h of individual mentoring with after session support.

Group Mentoring


Group mentoring sessions are great for a group of mentees sharing similar goals. Whether your goal is to train pessaries, improve your skills with estim and biofeedback or simply train your clinical reasoning, these sessions are a more affordable way to deepen your knowledge on a subject. Hands on skills can also be practiced in the face-to-face sessions.

1 to 3hrs per group* with after session support

*depending on the goals and size of the group. Groups are to be arranged by the individuals

Feedback about the mentoring


“Alina is dedicated, professional and generous. She shares both knowledge and uncertainties in order for us to ponder and improve ourselves with humbleness and critical reasoning. She is my greatest inspiration.”

Soraia Pires, Portugal

“Alina has been so supportive and encouraging as a mentor both for the process of setting up a service to provide advice regarding patient assessment and management. She has gone above and beyond to provide support even outside of mentor sessions. She is very knowledgeable and up to date with research but so approachable and non judgemental. No question is a silly question and all are answered in detail. I have found her input invaluable to my practice. Thanks Alina.”

Irene Leahy, New Zealand

“I have had an incredible mentoring experience with Alina. She has a wonderful way of teaching. Her nature is so friendly and approachable that I felt at ease to ask many questions and have many discussions. Her passion and commitment to teach women’s health is very genuine and inspiring. I cannot recommend her highly enough as a mentor.”

Roshini Nadarajah, Australia