Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy & Pregnancy Physiotherapy in Townsville, QLD

Inclusive physiotherapy care for everyone

Trauma-informed pelvic floor physio in the heart of the Townsville, QLD

Blue Mountains Physiotherapist Alina Filipe Nunes

Alina Filipe Nunes


Alina (Aline Filipe) is an APA titled pelvic floor physiotherapist, with a Masters and a postgraduate diploma in Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy from Curtin University and graduating from a diploma in Counselling. She is involved in research and advocacy in sexual and pelvic pain and has recently moved to Townsville. Aline is trained in pelvic floor physiotherapy for female and male (designated at birth) conditions as well as kids/ paediatrics.

Having lived with pelvic pain most of her life, Alina can empathise with those living with pain. This led to her creating her volunteering and mentoring platform The Pelvic Tuner. Alina helps people with pelvic pain, and mentors other pelvic floor physiotherapists about pelvic conditions such as incontinence, sexual and pelvic pain, anorectal problems and prolapse.

Currently working towards studying Sexual Health and Counselling.

Outside of work you will find her either singing or doing exercise/ outdoor activities.

Because everyone deserves access to pelvic floor physiotherapy
regardless of age, gender, choices and sexuality.
— Alina Filipe Nunes

What pelvic floor conditions can Alina help you with?

  • Incontinence and urgency (rushing to the bathroom) of urine or stools

  • Constipation, straining or bowel/ bladder emptying problems

  • Pain or inability during intercourse (including vaginismus, vestibulodynia and vulvodynia)

  • Persistent pelvic pain (from endometriosis or painful periods)

  • Persistent lower back pain and pelvic girdle pain due to pregnancy

  • Pubic symphysis pain, sacroiliac pain, anorectal pain, tailbone pain and clitoral pain

  • Pelvic floor trauma during childbirth or trauma induced

  • Overactive and bladder pain syndrome (including interstitial cystitis)

  • Two friends embracing one another.

    Sexual Pain and Pelvic Pain

    Whether you have pain or any difficulties during intercourse (including vaginismus and vulvodynia) know that focusing on your pelvic floor can be crucial.

    Pelvic floor physiotherapy can also help ease pain from endometriosis, anal pain and/or levator anii syndrome.

  • A pregnant woman holding her stomach.

    Pregnancy Physiotherapy and Postnatal Pelvic Floor check up

    Whether you are getting ready for pregnancy or you are recovering from childbirth, pelvic floor physiotherapy is highly recommended to prevent and manage conditions such as pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence.

    A return to exercise assessment/ check up is recommended after childbirth.

  • A woman and a man roughly of the age of menopause and andropause.

    Embracing Menopause and Andropause

    As we age our muscles may become weaker. Pelvic floor weakness and stiffness can lead to pain during intercourse, leaking and erectile dysfunction. Understanding how your body and the pelvic floor works can improve your pelvic and sexual health.

  • A man holding a toddler aged child.

    Other types of rehab

    Is your child bedwetting or having problems controlling wees and poos? Did you know pelvic floor physiotherapy can help?

    Additionally, if you are recovering from prostate cancer surgery or treatment or if you have erectile dysfunction or penile pain, pelvic floor physiotherapy can help too!

Make yourself a priority once in a while.

It is not selfish. It is necessary!

Learn how to embrace your pelvic health and achieve your goals!
